Thursday, April 22, 2010

Ten Things that Can and Will Go Wrong in a Domestic Violence Case

1) Law Enforcement is required to make an arrest in a domestic violence situation.

2) If you have any kind of criminal record the court will probably require a cash or surety bond.

3) A Protection Order may enter which prohibits contact with the alleged victim.

4) The Protection Order may prohibit you from your home or apartment.

5) Trial will be fast tracked meaning that valuable time can be lost in preparation of the defense if you hesitate.

6) A conviction may prohibit you from owning a firearm.

7) A conviction will require you to take domestic violence classes for up to a nine month period.

8) If you have a previous Domestic Violence conviction you could be facing substantial jail.

9) Fines, costs, probation fees and classes could cost you thousands of dollars.

10) A Domestic Violence conviction could bar you from many area's of future employment.